April 25, 2007

May God Have Mercy On Me

For my apathy and my rebellion. May he grant me a heart and passion that hates that which is evil and clings to that which is good.

That's all I could think of after reading this: Let The Python Eat Its Tail. Amen.

Father, forgive me! For apart from you, I am a man capable and willing to do anything that my flesh desires to do. Apart from you, I am a murderer, fornicator, idolator. Cause me to walk with You. Cause me to love You in ways and fervor that I never have before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy upon us, brothers and sisters we must stand even where it hurts. We know that but still yet we falter, truly in our own strength we are weak, but in his immeasurable power we can do the impossible.