March 26, 2008

The Jonah Syndrome Signs Off

I didn't really expect this day to come this soon. But God has done so many amazing things, that I am truly grateful it has.

The Jonah Syndrome signs off 355 posts and over 15,000 hits after it's first post on October 1, 2006. I wrote my first post the day that the Desiring God National Conference on "The Supremacy Of Christ in a PostModern World" had ended. I based the title of the blog off my own personal experiences and in part influenced by the message that Tim Keller gave at that conference.

That was 18 months ago. WOW! A lot has changed since then. And now here I am fully engaged in the process of planting a church named Eternity and with that transition I have decided to also transition my blog. MY NEW BLOG can be found at:

For those of you who are subscribed via RSS or email, you shouldn't have to change anything, although I plan on posting the next couple of days over at the new site so check to make sure you are still receiving the feeds.

I will leave this blog site up as an archive so to speak for a long while. I have wrestled with whether or not to import my posts into my new site but I have opted for a clean transition.

The time posting on the Syndrome has been good. I've made my share of mistakes and learned a ton about what blogging should and should not be. I'm still so green. But I will also say it has been invaluable for me and would highly recommend it to anyone.

I'm looking forward to so many things in the coming months and God is doing something amazing. I hope you check back in frequently to see how the journey is going.

See you over at

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