February 01, 2008

Progress Report / Random Thoughts

It's February 1st already. I have had several folks ask me what's going on / how things are for the Backes family lately. I've also had several random thoughts running through my head but I can't seem to make a solid post out of just yet.

  • My prospectus for Eternity is making good progress. I've decided to go with a DVD instead of just bound paper. I wanted to bring to life the vision and the story God has laid upon me. The man who lead me to Jesus has graciously offered for free to do all the DVD work and video editing work.
  • It's a great thing to be able to involve and see those people who have been a part of my spiritual journey excited about the idea of me planting a church.
  • I've completed Phase 1 of the Acts29 application process and Phase 2 should be complete (except for boot camp) within the next 7 -10 days.
  • Based on what I'm reading about the Chicago boot camp, I'm getting even more jacked up about Seattle.
  • If anyone can arrange a personal introduction and conversation between me and John Piper in Seattle, I'll be your best friend, give you Starbucks cards, and immediately give you the "preferred friend" status in my life.
  • The look and feel for Eternity is being worked on as we speak. I'm jacked up to see the designs and logos this weekend.
  • Along that front, I have a feeler out about developing the web presence for Eternity. The person I have asked is wayyy more than capable. Now the question is: Was the price right?
  • I'm planning a move to a new blog address and a new blog feel in the near future as well. Blogger has served me well, but from everything I'm hearing, it may be time to get out of the kiddie pool and move to WordPress.
  • We had a great church planting quarterly this week at LifePoint. Lane Harrison rocks. He's so loving and kind. On a serious note, it was a great time of discussion as we talked about the pastor and his family. I was challenged beyond belief.
  • I'm finding out how much I need to repent. I'll talk more about this on Sunday at LifePoint.
  • I'm looking forward to another Acts29 quarterly in St. Louis here in the next couple weeks. Hanging around church planters always jacks me up to go be one.
  • My son turns 8 this weekend. I can't believe it. When I think back over the first eight years of his life, I realize how much I've missed. I'm not going to miss that much in the next eight.
  • I have an exciting dinner scheduled in Jefferson City next weekend with some folks who might be core group prospects for Eternity. I'll throw this out there, if you want to move to Jefferson City, get a job, and be a part of the core group of Eternity, you are always more than welcome.
  • For those of you who just thought "Why the heck would I want to move to Jefferson City?", I'll be glad to send you a copy of my prospectus when it's done.
  • You haven't lived life until you've done a bowling party with 15 eight year olds.
  • Oh yeah, there's a little game this weekend. My prediction: Patriots 49 - Giants 10

Have a nice weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need to repent for your support of the patriots!